
We are the connectors of best-in-class technology — expanding your business, by Extending Reality.

Specializing in advanced immersive technologies, HiroXR provides customized, end-to-end strategic solutions that revolutionize human engagement.

Tomorrow’s Reality, Today

Extended Reality (XR)

Augmented Reality (AR)

Reality Enhanced by Virtual Elements

Imagine having a magic lens that reveals hidden layers of digital information, bringing the virtual and physical worlds together in a single seamless and interactive experience.

Virtual Reality (VR)

Immersion in a Completely Digital Space

A portal to another world, where the only limit is your imagination. A fully immersive experience that transports you to new places and allows you to interact with digital environments in new, mind-bending ways.

Mixed Reality (MR)

Interaction with Real & Virtual Objects

A mind-bending fusion of the real and the virtual, where digital objects and physical environments coexist and interact in real-time. A transformative experience that blends our physical and digital worlds in ways that were once unimaginable.

 We create immersive experiences that bring exhilaration, wonder and delight to your customers and employees. Experiences need to evoke an emotional* response to capture and maintain their attention.

We take a holistic approach to XR, integrating it into your larger business objectives. Our seamless solution engine covers every step of the process — from ideation and strategic planning to design, production and measurement.

Our team develops solutions with best-in-class technology to meet your specific needs and provide an effective return on investment.

“Emotion is what really drives the purchasing behaviours, and also, decision making in general.”

Harvard professor Gerald Zaltman


CGI / VFX Experience

The magic of CGI (Computer-Generated Imagery) is superimposing an experience over a prerecorded physical space. This booming trend lets creators craft mind-blowing visuals, however, it is only the first step into the immersive world.

While CGI videos cannot be high-fived (yet!), they play a crucial role in grabbing attention and building brand buzz. We think of it as a flashy billboard before an interactive theme park that is XR.

AR Augmented Reality Filter


Filters allow you to add a touch of magic and fun to your life at the touch of a button. They’re a powerful tool for businesses and marketers that can help create brand awareness and engagement, allowing customers to interact with products and services in a more engaging and memorable way.

Try on different outfits, hairstyles and accessories with the tap of a finger, or turn yourself into a mythical creature, superhero, or character from your favourite show or movie. It’s all possible with filters.

Augmented Reality

Animations & Holograms

Immerse the physical world with a digital experience that interacts with users and their environment — all while having the ability to manipulate with gestures and voice commands.

Animations and holograms produce 3D images that appear to float in space, providing users with more immersive and interactive experiences. Imagine being able to see a 3D model of a product or data set, move it around with your hands, and zoom in to see every detail up close.

Animations and holograms are impactful ways to teach, entertain and engage.

Augmented Reality Game


AR and VR games transform the world around you into a playground of adventure and excitement. You can explore your surroundings in an entirely new way by uncovering hidden mysteries and solving puzzles.

Imagine being able to chase down virtual creatures, turn a building into your personal game board, or join an interactive scavenger hunt. Blurring the lines between the digital and physical, games excite and engage, and can make daunting or challenging experiences more fun.

They can also be powerful tools for education by adding a touch of fun, to even the most challenging topics.

Extended Reality Product placement


Turn any product (physical or digital) into an enhanced, immersive and interactive experience.

Imagine seeing how a piece of furniture would look in your living room or how a new pair of shoes would look with your favourite outfit, all without leaving your home.

Showcasing your products in a more immersive and engaging way leads to:

  • Increased customer engagement and satisfaction.

  • Improved conversions and quality of sales with “try before you buy.”

  • Reduced costs associated with product returns and erroneous customer expectation.

  • Improved customer loyalty through personalization and customization.

  • The ability to offer support and obtain feedback with real-time guidance and information.

AR Augmented Reality OOH

Visual Postitioning System (VPS)

VPS allows for immersive experiences in connection to real-world locations. Able to determine a user’s position and orientation with centimetre-level accuracy, VPS activations can turn their surroundings into real-world metaverse (seemlessly transform ordinary landmarks into ワオ).

After analysing the visual features of the chosen surroundings, VPS anchors virtual objects to the user's physical environment. Point your smartphone at a building, and it comes alive. Add it to your retail environment and deliver a more personalised shopping experience.

AR Augmented Reality Portal


Step into a new reality where the impossible becomes possible, and the unimaginable becomes real.

Portals are secret doorways or windows that take you on an exciting journey to another world via extended reality. You can find yourself on a tropical island, a bustling city, or in outer space all while being able to peer back through the portal into the real world.

Portals can enable users to visit distant places, historical sites, fictional worlds or imaginary scenarios without leaving their physical location. Portals provide interactive and immersive experiences that engage users and enhance their sense of presence.

Avatar and Web3 Spaces

Web3 Spaces

Web 3.0 is the third generation of the internet that leverages technologies to create a decentralised, open and user-centric web. This allows us to extend reality into fully-immersive environments — encompassing AR, VR and MR experiences.

Web 3.0 spaces are virtual universes where you can explore, create, and interact with others in a whole new way. Users or their Avatar can step into any digital world to attend virtual events, concerts, and conferences, all from the comfort of their homes.

These spaces are powerful tools for education, commerce, and social change. They can help connect people from all over the world, breaking down barriers and fostering collaboration.

XR - Extended Reality for Business

Business Solutions

Virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) and mixed reality (MR) experiences unlock new levels of productivity and innovation. They allow businesses to leverage the power of technology to enhance how they work and connect with employees. Companies can elevate the way they operate, communicate and collaborate.

Business solutions in extended reality can provide a host of benefits, including but not limited to:

  • Increased productivity and efficiency through remote work, training and support.

  • Reduced costs and risks by minimizing travel, errors and damages.

  • Innovations in new products and services by leveraging 3D content and data visualization.

  • Enhanced employee morale and retention by providing social and fun events.

  • Increased learning and access to education for employees and clients.


We have the GPS for your XR projects with our exclusive spatial analytics platform. It provides a detailed understanding of user behaviour and engagement within immersive 3D environments. It measures the effectiveness and impact with insights from the user’s behaviour, engagement, and performance—enabling you to optimise your XR experiences and achieve your goals.

Our solution includes:

  • Platform Agnostic with API integration opportunity

  • Granular access control

  • Customizable metrics

  • Session insights

  • Device performance tracking

  • Dashboard Reporting

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1-(844) 444-7697